Ice Cream Social & Blessing of the Animals - August 14, 2022
The West Fairlee Center Church and the West Fairlee Community Club jointly host this time honored event at the crossroads of Middlebrook Rd and Bear Notch Road. New neighbors and old friends share the festive day together.
Nate's Sugar Shack served up old fashioned ice cream sundaes, maple frappes and maple cotton candy. Club servers added yummy chocolate and/ or blueberry sauce, brownie bits, whipped cream, nuts, sprinkles, and cherries for the top. There were bubbles, books, and puzzles.
Some of the animals who brought their owners this year included dear companion dogs, a gecko in its little owner's tupperware tub, a handsome Dominique rooster or chicken, a charming pygmy goat, stuffies, and pictures of important wild life. Jan Hutslar made each and every critter its special blessing and as ever, it was so warming.

August 22, 2021
On Sunday, August 22 West Fairlee Center came alive with its annual Ice Cream Social and Blessing of the Animals. The Church and the West Fairlee Community Club jointly host this time honored event at the crossroads of Middlebrook Rd and Bear Notch Road. The lawn of the West Fairlee Center Congregational Church was ablaze with color and greetings.
There were eager offers to help. Everyone pitched in. It was like a barn raising. Cars pulled up with chairs in the back and unloaded them for seating. It was a lot of flurry and a sense of fun. Nate's Sugar Shack served up old fashioned ice cream sundaes, maple frappes and maple cotton candy. Club servers added yummy chocolate and/ or blueberry sauce, brownie bits, whipped cream, nuts, sprinkles, and cherries for the top.
Once the signal was given, the crowd gathered round to start the Blessing. The Reverend Jan Hustlar, minister of the Unitarian Church in Norwich, offered heart felt thoughts about how much we love our animals before she blessed each pet individually. The Serenata musical trio played music. Dr. James Hughes sang a cappella “Ole Shep “with a brave baritone voice that rang through the valley. Newcomers met neighbors and old friends greeted each other amid smiles and laughter. Memories and stories floated on the air.
All in all it was a fine day!

July 14, 2019
This years Blessing was again led by Rev. Brigid Farrell with a stop at the Community Club's Ice Cream Social first.

August 12, 2018
The Blessing of the Animals was led by Rev. Brigid Farrell after a stop at the Community Club's Ice Cream Social. Even though it was a cloudy day, it did not dampen the spirit of the neighborhood get together including the visit of a Red Tail Hawk.
July 9, 2017
Rev. Robin Junker-Boyce of Thetford Church led the Blessing with music provided by Serenata. The following photos were taken by Violetta Faulkner. These wonderful pictures are her gift to the community. For more photos click here. For print quality photos, email Violetta at .
July 31, 2016
This year's blessing was lead by Rev Dr. C. Michael Caldwell, Pastor & Teacher from East Corinth. Participants were a 34 year old parrot, 2 Russian Terriers, and numerous photos both printed and via cell phones.
Prior to the Blessing of the Animals Service, the West Fairlee Center Community Club sponsored an Ice Cream Social at the Clubhouse ( more ) .

Blessing of the Animals 2015